Saturday, July 28, 2012

Team USA!

  Happy Olympics, everyone! Have you been watching? I caught some of the swimming while I was at the gym. That's my favorite event, as I hold swimming near and dear to my heart. I swam in college and we were undefeated!...not much thanks to me, but it was an honor to be part of that and it's amazing watching these men and women represent our country in a battle of strength, endurance, guts and a whole lotta heart! May the blogs be EVER in their favor.

You're all gonna kill me for this....

  SO as of a few weeks ago, I have been kicking some major ass in my gym routines and running! The downfall? Night snacking. I am a terrible night snacker. Hi, I am Niki and I have a problem. The good news? 1) I recognize that I have a problem and they say that's the first step 2) I have a very real goal in mind (Vacation!) and I will not let the devil on my shoulder talk me into giving in to my cravings/boredom anymore!
  Here are some steps I'm taking to reach my goal:
  *I've made a poster of what I want to achieve and I put it on my door. When I get hungry at night, if I actually do get up to go to the kitchen, I have to come face to face with my goal and ask myself if those extra calories are worth it.
  *I bought a dress for one of the events I'll be participating in on my vacation. I have it displayed proudly on a hanger in my room. It's very sparkly and hard to miss. Whenever I look at it, I think to myself how gorgeous it is and I want to look gorgeous along with it... I couldn't bear to embarrass it!
   *If I hear my stomach growling, I will look over my workout plan for the next day to keep my mind on my goal and keep my brain occupied. Night snacking is more mental and boredom than anything.
  I hope this helps any of you who suffer as I do! In time this will get easier for all of us and we can stop waking up feeling as though there is a brick in our stomachs! Instead, our tummies shall feel like a brick! ;)

  Stay beastly,

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