Saturday, February 9, 2013

Survival of the Fittest

Right at the new year, my entire family joined a gym that opened up very close to my house. It’s a pretty great gym and so far I am enjoying my membership there. It’s infinitely closer to my home than my last gym, less expensive AND has a pool! I also love that the whole family is involved- it’s been extremely inspiring and lovely to see everyone’s spirits lifted and their dedication to staying active!

Now, my old gym was different in a lot of ways. It was female-only and most of the population seemed to have a 9:00-5:00 job because when I worked out between my two part-time jobs, it was just me and the retired. It was also a much smaller building with just one employee cleaning, constantly. There wasn’t a lot of worrying about gym etiquette there because there weren’t many other people around to take into consideration. Here are some notes I’ve made on how to be a good citizen of a gym:

1) WIPE YOUR MACHINE DOWN- This is the most important rule, in my opinion. Pretend that the handles on your machine are made of poles from the subway that never get cleaned. Gross, right? Wipe it down before and after you use it. It’s winter, it’s flu/cold time. Ain’t nobody got time for that. But we do have time to be a little sanitary.

2) If you’re going to be naked in the locker room, keep a towel between your naked butt and the seat in the locker room/sauna. For one, the sauna seats are made of wood and glutal-splinters seem like the opposite of fun. For two, no one wants to see your butt-print. Maybe one day at Grauman’s Chinese Theater Show, but certainly not now and not here.  Know your audience. For three, that whole thing I just mentioned in #1 about being sanitary.
*Another bit of advice on this topic- please keep your sweaty, naked self awaaaaay from me in the locker room. I mean, just what kind of girl do you take me for? You haven’t even taken me out to dinner.

3) Have a towel handy. If your gym offers a towel service, take one. If they don’t, bring one from home. It’s good because you’ll have less sweat to wipe down if the towel is between you and the bench. Also, it’s good motivation- don’t leave til that towel is drenched!

4) Grunting and groaning is fine in my book, but talking on your cell phone in the weight room isn’t cool. Texting is okay if you’re not walking around without looking or hogging a machine/bench. But if your conversation is really that serious, take it somewhere else, dude. I’m tryina get in the zone, here.

5) Be mindful of time limits on cardio machines. A lot of places have a 20-30 minute time limit when all of the cardio machines are full. If that is the situation you find yourself in, try to be inspired to cross-train. Hit the weights after your time on the cardio machine is up.

6) Don’t sit and rest on the machines if someone else is waiting for it. You can politely tell them that you have another set or two, but let them “work-in” in between your sets. Have your cleansing-fluid-soaked paper towel handy.

7) Deodorant is a must.  Unfortunately, though, my gym smells like it is personally sponsored by whatever spray-on deodorant is on sale at CVS that week. One spritz is enough. If I can taste your perfume/cologne, it’s too much.

8) Don’t laugh at anyone. We are all in the gym to better ourselves and raise self-esteem. Mind ya business.

9) Wear appropriate clothing for working out. Ladies, (and men with long hair) put your hair up. Wear something you feel comfortable in and allows you to move through your full range of motion. Keep all goods covered. I don’t know about you, but the idea of my bare skin against those seats and machines is a little cringe-inducing… covering up just to avoid peeling your skin off the sweat-soaked bench is enough reason to dress a bit modestly.

Last But Not Least…

10) CLEAN UP AFTER YOURSELF. This is not YOUR personal gym. If you have a paper towel in your cup holder on the treadmill after you wiped it down, THROW IT AWAY when you’re done. If you used free weights, PUT THEM AWAY in their rightful place. Let’s be adults here, people.

Got more? Leave em in the comments section. Or take these advice nuggets with you and make your gym a better place to be J Have a good workout!