Monday, August 10, 2015

Six Things I Learned This Summer

Well darlings, I should have more diligently posted regarding my training for the Beachbody Classic, as it has now been finished for almost a month! But here are 6 things I learned in the process:

-Meal Prep is easy, but sometimes finding the time for it isn't. But if you can, it's great to devote a day to cooking things that can be cooked and left in the fridge or freezer for the week... remembering to defrost them the day you're going to eat it is a whole different matter.

-PICTURES ARE SO IMPORTANT. Taking progress photos every few weeks is the best thing you can do. Sometimes the scale doesn't move OR it moves in the wrong you think!! The photos and my clothes didn't lie- I was CLEARLY more lean and mean, but that was not reflecting in scale. 

-There are protein-infused waters and seltzers at a lot of grocery stores in the healthy food isles. That helped me a lot because in the summer time, there are fun parties with fun party drinks. Having something that wasn't just water helped me feel less like I was separating myself from the crowd.

-Sometimes people are going to try to separate YOU from the crowd. There will be comments like, "It must be sooooo nice to have all that time to focus on your health." "Really? One chip won't freakin kill you..." "Oh look! She's EATING!" They will sting. But it's important to realize that those are not the people you're doing this for- you're not out to impress anyone. Find the people who say supportive things like, "I know you're training really hard and watching what you eat, but we are so glad you came and spent time with us today" and KEEP THEM SO CLOSE!!! 

-Hypothyroidism slows progress down. If I want to ever be considered for a prize in the fitness world, I now know I need about 24 weeks of training and impeccable eating. I've seen people change their whole bodies in 12-15 weeks, but mine just takes longer than that. 

-Bikini Competitions are not for me. I didn't get in the top 20, but I don't feel bad about it. That's not the thing that would keep me from doing a more intense competition than the classic. It's the fact that eating squeaky clean for more than a few weeks just ended up becoming less and less fun after 6 weeks. I like having the option to choose which nights I will have a drink or two or go out for wings with Mike, and which days I'll eat really well. Eating that well for that long made it hard to keep the bad food in moderation once I *could* eat it again. 

I've definitely been struggling with my self-esteem since the competition ended. I've gained some of the weight back, and I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who notices it. But I liked feeling super tiny. And I hated feeling deprived and not fun. I go from being really happy and confident in my skin to comparing myself to more slender, fit women. It's so DUMB and I definitely know it... so I'm focusing now on finding a good balance and helping others to do the same. I don't claim to have everything figured out, but through experimenting I'm learning what feels good and what doesn't. 

My goals for the moment:

-Help OTHERS reach their goals
-Do Piyo to gain flexibility
-Make 2-3 recipes from Fixate every week 

Saturday, June 6, 2015

21 Day Fix: The Vegetarian Round

For the last three weeks, I’ve been a vegetarian.

-Because I didn’t know how actual vegetarians do it
-I’m a kooky, fun kind of gal.

It’s actually been a pretty fun, eye-opening experience.

The first week was probably the toughest. Nay, the first DAY. I was hungry, it was lunch time, and usually on a Monday I would whip up some ground turkey and vegetables in a romaine wrap. In my meal prep, I picked recipes off pinterest that looked AMAZING: butternut squash lasanga, sesame cauliflower, sweet potato hotcakes… I had all the ingredients.

Little did I know those all took HOURS to make. Add that to the fact that I am a n00b in the kitchen, I would be eating lunch for dinner.

So that day, I ended up having the wrap, as usual but with a chopped up veggie burger instead of the ground turkey.

Over the next few days, I made some of my chosen recipes, but not all of them. There just wasn’t any time to spend hours in the kitchen. I also realized that a lot of the recipes required a lot of carbs and cheeses. Since I only get two yellows (carbs) a day, it was hard to choose when I would eat which tasty dish. And I only get ONE blue a day (cheese/fats) so I also had to be conscious of that as well. I knew that if I didn’t want to be wandering around my kitchen like a hippie at Burning Man looking for food, I’d have to come up with a different plan.

I started making more things with quinoa. It started with quinoa-stuffed peppers, which were pretty good. Then a facebook friend of mine posted a recipe for Warm Kale and Quinoa Salad and that was amazing. I also bought more veggie burgers, just in time for grilling season, and fish. I already eat a lot of fish in my life, so not much had changed there.

The biggest struggles for me was the urge to snack, and that’s mostly because things got more social as the weather warmed up. I spent a day on a friend’s boat and everyone was nomming on chips and big sandwiches. I brought my Shakeology, but I didn’t want to waste it all at once (Or have to excuse myself to the lower deck to reieve myself 5 times… #shakeoprobz). I was extremely lucky that my boyfriend decided to snoop through the cooler and found some grapes.

We also went to a wedding, and that was tough as well. It wasn’t just tough because of the vegetarian fix… it was more tough because the food there was just everything. I would have struggled with this on ANY version of the fix. For one, the cocktail hour had a zillion food stations. My crew had scored a table RIGHT next to the fried calamari station. I’m all about that fried calamari. Since we were in the back of the room, no one even saw that station behind us. I could have been eating ALL of the fried calamari.

There was a lot of fried food at most of the stations, and some with just meat. Fail and fail for me. But there were stations with fruit and cheese, salad, lox and grilled shrimp. So don’t worry, I had a food plate of DELICIOUS food in the end. But it was tough for me to be drinking lemon water and hearing around me, “The margaritas are AMAZING.” Le sigh.

Since this was my second round of the fix, I’d already been off alcohol for over a month...and I’ve ALWAYS had basically no alcoholic tolerance to speak of. So when the time came for toasts and I sipped my glass of champagne, I got googley-eyed pretty darn fast. I guess it’s a good thing I couldn’t get my grubby mits on those margs!

If you’re looking to get into meatlessness, here are some things I’d highly recommend you keep around:

-Veggie Burgers. Quick to make, and really good!
-Quinoa. There are so many different ways to make it and, like rice, they have other flavors available
-Snapea Crisps… not that you can’t eat potato chips as a vegetarian, but these are better for you and just as addicting. Good for those snack days
-So much fruit… it’s summer and so many great things are in season
-Kale and Spinach: both give you abs and both are amazing when cooked with garlic powder. But isn’t everything?
-Shrimp/fresh fish: I recommend sword fish if you love steak.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

5 Ways to make Clean Eating EASIER

                                                                   - The Leaner Creamer -

Made up of coconuts, a derivative of milk and soy, this substitute for creamer and sweeteners is a must-have. I know, a sprinkle of sweeteners and half and half might not seem like a lot, but if you enjoy more than one cup of coffee a day, those calories add up. The Leaner Creamer is tasty, healthy, and an appetite suppressant. A serving size is a teaspoon, so your container will last you a while.

- Snapea Crisps -

 I can't tell you the last time I sat with a bowl of potato chips and just nommed away without a care. It's definitely been years. Every once in a while, I just want to mindlessly snack and get my salt-craving satisfied without actually cooking anything. Snapea Crisps are the answer. A snap pea is a legume, like peanuts (if you're allergic to peanuts but not nuts, maybe find out if you have a legume allergy before trying these out). 22 of these are a serving. 22!!!! And only 110 calories per serving! You can totally feel good having more than one handful of these when you're watching The Bachelorette (or whatever your guilty pleasure may be).

- Tamari & Tahini Dressing -

I'm not a huge fan of quinoa... A lot of recipes suggest putting cheese on it, but I try to avoid using a lot of cheese daily. I prefer to get my fats from avocados or hummus. But when I mix a tsp of tamari and a teaspoon of tahini with a drop or two of lemon juice and drizzle that on my quinoa or cooked kale, I can't get enough! 

- Banana and Egg Pancakes -

 Crack two eggs and cut a whole banana into a blender. Make a nice batter. Make pancakes out of that. You're welcome.

                                                      - Shakeology -

My everything. This is BAE of food. The healthiest meal of my day, Shakeology is made up of superfoods. I get all of my daily vitamins in a delicious shake, which saves me TONS of money. Vitamins are expensive! It really helps me with my sweet tooth too. Every day I have my choice between a chocolate milkshake, cake, ice cream, cookies... all with Shakeology. My favorite recipe, which I found on pinterest, is Shakeology Peanut Butter Cups. 

-5 tbsp shakeology
-3 tbsp coconut oil

Mix together, pour into 4 aluminum foil muffin tins, but only enough to cover the bottoms. Make sure you still have some of the mixture left over. Stick those in the freezer.

-1 banana
-3 tsp peanut butter
Blend together for a nice creamy filling and put them into a ziplock. Cut a corner off the ziplock. Take the muffin tins out of the freezer and pour the cream filling onto the chocolate bottoms. Cover the cream with the chocolate. Freeze for 10 minutes. ENJOY!

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

The Side-Effects of Self Love

   I'm a very different person today than I was a year and a half ago.

  Toward the end of 2013, I found my rock-bottom. I failed. I moved to Boston from New York without having all of my ducks in a row. A small percentage of why I moved was for a guy, and it turned out that he was going through his own life crisis and wanted nothing to do with me. The job I got was not good enough to pay the bills but offered no time to pick up a second job and I realized all of it just a little too late.

  I moved back home, into rooms that were filled with my parents' things and feeling like there wasn't really room for me anymore. I was pressured to go find a job, but I took a month to just be poor and sad. I sent out resumes, but I didn't do much following up until my month of sadness was coming to a close. I deactivated my Facebook, considered going back to school for an entirely different field than wellness and questioned my worth. I worked out a LITTLE, but I really didn't try that hard to eat well or stay in shape for that time. I read about feminism and studied the world around me and played video games.

  I started the new month with a new job, picked up a few group fitness slots at the gym I used to teach at before Boston, earned a spot in an improv group, started writing stand up comedy and slowly started to redefine myself. When January rolled around, I was pudgy and missed my workouts, so I started going to the gym every morning with my cousin. 

   When I met my boyfriend Mike in April of 2014, I was kind of all over the place in terms of self-esteem. Having performed and made people laugh made me feel really cool and interesting. Getting back in shape again made me feel pretty. But I still wasn't sure how I was ever going to get out of my house, and feared I'd never be good enough or helpful enough or smart enough or energized enough to make the money I needed to leave. Going back to school would keep me locked in my house forever, but so would staying still. I was in limbo.

    Within a few months of dating, it was clear to Mike that my passion was in the wellness industry. He helped me believe in myself again. We would brainstorm ways for me to help people and myself. Eventually, we realized the answer was there all along in the form of Beachbody Coaching. It's a job I'm in love with and I'm having a great time with it. But, like any other business, it takes time. I can't be a stand-up comedian AND a Beachbody coach... mostly because when I'm fit and training, helping my coaches build their businesses and studying to be a better trainer, I'm HAPPY. Who wants to hear me stand up and talk about how happy I am? No one.

    Being busy with coaching, teaching classes, personal training, my own self-training and massage therapy makes me extremely happy. Learning how to cook and helping my boyfriend and family eat food and healthy things that taste like they aren't healthy makes me feel accomplished. Going out with friends and being the DD saves me a night of embarrassment from being "that girl" (which I ALWAYS am when I drink) and gets everyone home safely. Drinking water and Shakeology every day makes my skin look better than it ever has, which is a miracle for someone who grew up covered in acne and eczema. Leading a challenge group by example makes me feel like a good coach. Talking to my fellow coaches about everything from their personal lives to their fitness makes me feel like I'm part of an amazing family of like-minded people. I've never felt so good and so loved. 

   But then there is the other side of things. This is where a lot of people fall off. I've seen it so many times. Yes, the voice in your head can be your biggest enemy. But sometimes we have real voices talking to us too. Out loud. 

  Not having a good support system is the hardest part of trying to live a healthy lifestyle. When I started believing in myself, I could hear some of my friends' eyes rolling. Doing all of the things that I mentioned I LOVE doing got in the way of the free time I used to have for things like self-deprecating jokes. Meal prep and coach camps took away from hours of sitting around texting and sending funny messages to people. Being truly busy meant a lot of sentences that start with, "I'd love to, but..."
  And some people just wouldn't have that. 

   It's extremely hard when you go out to dinner with people you love and they smile meanly at you saying, "Oh look! She's EATING!"

   It's annoying when people tell you that they feel "done with you" because you can't come to every single thing you used to when you had more time.

   It HURTS when someone tells you that you "suck" because you won't have a drink or eat cake.

  I'm lucky I do have my fit fam. I'm lucky I have a boyfriend who tells me how proud he is of what I'm doing instead of pressuring me to be someone else. I'm lucky I have enough people in my life to remind me that I'm on the right path that I can say, "Yes. I choose me. I choose to do what I love, even if it makes other people feel weird for whatever reason." 

  I'm no one's mother. I don't have to be there for every single event. Everyone is busy and has the things that make them happy. I like to think I make enough time to show the people that I care about, that I care about them. But at the end of the day, if that isn't appreciated, I'm always going to choose myself first. I hope you do the same.