Monday, October 20, 2014

A Little Help From a Friend

Today, I'd like to share something with you that has helped me a lot.

I don't know about you, but the feeling of being in limbo or lost is something I'm familiar with. Sometimes it happens when I'm between goals. Sometimes it's when a goal doesn't go as planned.

So how do I escape the maddening feeling of standing still?

Often you hear that instead of just dreaming, you should be doing. But I say, dream away! Take a piece of paper and a pen and write out your dream life. What do you want one year from now? What would make you very happy? A better golf game? A bigger apartment? A new car? A career in photography?

Imagine it and write it as though it's already happened.

The next day, write another list. A huuuuge brain purge of ideas to help you get to your goal. Literally write down EVERYTHING you'd need to do to achieve your goal for the year. Then divide your brain storm into 4 different lists:


Things may move around a bit. But to have a To Do list is to have a game plan. When it comes to exercise, I often say, "fail to plan, plan to fail." That goes for other aspects of your life too!

There is NOTHING you can't do without a plan and the willingness to put it into action.

I hope this helps you as much as it helped me! If you want to take your success a step further, I HIGHLY recommend buying the book 30 Day PUSH by Chalene Johnson. Chalene is NO JOKE and her book will help you dream bigger and do more!

Happy Monday!!

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