I don't know about you, but the feeling of being in limbo or lost is something I'm familiar with. Sometimes it happens when I'm between goals. Sometimes it's when a goal doesn't go as planned.
So how do I escape the maddening feeling of standing still?
Often you hear that instead of just dreaming, you should be doing. But I say, dream away! Take a piece of paper and a pen and write out your dream life. What do you want one year from now? What would make you very happy? A better golf game? A bigger apartment? A new car? A career in photography?
Imagine it and write it as though it's already happened.

Things may move around a bit. But to have a To Do list is to have a game plan. When it comes to exercise, I often say, "fail to plan, plan to fail." That goes for other aspects of your life too!
There is NOTHING you can't do without a plan and the willingness to put it into action.
I hope this helps you as much as it helped me! If you want to take your success a step further, I HIGHLY recommend buying the book 30 Day PUSH by Chalene Johnson. Chalene is NO JOKE and her book will help you dream bigger and do more!
Happy Monday!!
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