Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The Accident Forgiveness Plan

Today's bloggery is about forgiveness. No, I'm not about to preach the healing ways of the Lord or how you should convert from Geico to All-State; I'm talking about forgiving YOURSELF when you sabotage your goals toward a healthier you. 

Just think- if you knocked over your mother's favorite lamp, you would feel absolutely terrible. But would you tell her the truth or would you break all the rest of her lamps??

So you ate poorly and you chose to not exercise for a day. Or two days. Or a week. Or for as long as you can remember. Do you give up and think, "Well, some people just aren't supposed to breathe comfortably"? I hope not!

Let's say you've been trying to lose weight for a while and then you did! But then you went out for ladies' night with your friends and drank all the margaritas and ate all the chips. You had a great time! Good for you. But then you felt so bad about it that you gave up for the rest of the weekend and you're thinking, "what's the use?" Well, I still say you should FORGIVE yourself.

But don't FORGET this feeling. As you pick up the pieces and carry on toward your goal weight, keep a journal to track your progress and how you're feeling- physically and emotionally. Write down how badly you feel for over-indulging and before you close the journal, write a plan for NEXT TIME you're in that situation and a plan for the next few days. Pick your favorite work out and declare to yourself that you will do it. Imagining yourself doing the work and seeing the results will inspire you to keep at it. 

Now, if you're starting from scratch and you are looking for an easy way to learn the habits that make up a healthy lifestyle, please see my last blog post or send me an email:   I would be GLAD to help you out. 

And with that, I leave you with this song about forgiveness:

Monday, March 10, 2014

21 Day Fix - My Review

8lbs down in 21 Days!

Twenty-one days ago, my parents and I decided to accept the newest challenge that Beachbody presented to the world: The 21 Day Fix. It is a diet/exercise program created by bikini competitor Autumn Calabrese and it lasts, surprise, for 21 Days.

The Work-Outs:

The program comes with a different workout for each day. There is upper body, lower body, full body, cardio, pilates, ab work... everything you need to work toward toning your body in only 30 minutes.

This isn't like the Insanity Program. You WILL sweat but you won't feel like a crazy person at the end of it. The only equipment you need are two pairs of weights (heavy and light. I used 10lbs and 5lbs) OR resistance bands and a yoga/pilates mat for floor work. Autumn is a joy to workout with. She's not fake, she's got a great sense of humor, she's stern, and SHE TALKS TO THE OTHER PEOPLE IN HER VIDEO! There was a lot of laughter throughout the three weeks,...and also a TON of sweat.

The Meal Plan:

"On other diets, I've found it took my body 5 days for my stomach to shrink. On this meal plan, it only took two days." -Keith Webber

This is the part that separates this program from EVERY OTHER program out there. Nutrition is the key to successfully trimming down. Keith (my dad) lost nearly 20 pounds by sticking to the meal plan and working out on the treadmill/at the gym. The secret? Portion control in a way that isn't confusing! In the 21 Day Fix package, you'll receive six containers of different sizes and colors. In the literature provided, you'll learn which foods go into which container, as well as recipe ideas. Based on your caloric needs, you will calculate how many times a day you can eat from each container.

In my experience, I ate just as much as I ever have, but I ate differently. In the last few years I've been trying to figure out how to eat in a more healthy way. This program helped me to realize that while I was eating healthy things, I still had some foods in excess. Particularly, fats (ie. avocados, nuts, feta cheese). By learning how much I SHOULD be eating, I can continue to use that knowledge past the 21 days and continue to shed weight!

The first couple of days were the hardest. First of all, you're supposed to eat as much as you're allowed to. Every day. I'd finish dinner and find I still had a few more containers left. I also found that in order to stay full and energized for a longer amount of time, I needed to start my day with a protein rather than just fruit. Now I know exactly when in the day I start to wind down, when I need to eat and what kind of snacks to pack for work to reenergize.

The purpose of the program is not to lose weight really fast and then go back to how you used to be. The purpose is to educate yourself on how to take care of your body and then continue to do so throughout your life. It takes 21 days to form a habit. Using this program can get you to the body you never even knew you could have. It could help you shed those last stubborn pounds that just won't come off. Regardless of your goal, it WILL change YOUR LIFE. 

For more information, send me a facebook message!